Version 0.60.1


A surface position marker.


Markers are used to track points on the surface of a solid through various operations. Markers can be placed using the mark() method of a solid . If the solid gets modified (for current limitations see the marker section) the marker can be used to follow the point and derieve its changed characteristics like surface normal etc.


 solid a = sphere()
 marker m = a.mark( <[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]> )
 solid b = scaling( 1.0, 1.0, 2.0 ) >> a
 echo( m.pos( b ) )


bool is_attached( solid s )

Returns, whether the marker is attached to a certain solid. Solids inherit markers when they are derived from other solids.

vector pos( solid s )

Returns the position of the marker on solid s, if the marker is attached to the solid. (Otherwise it returns a vector <[0,0,0]>.)

vector normal( solid s )

Returns the normal at the position of the marker on solid s, if the marker is attached to the solid. (Otherwise it returns a vector <[0,0,1]>.)

vector t1( solid s )

Returns one tangential vector at the position of the marker on solid s, if the marker is attached to the solid. (Otherwise it returns a vector <[1,0,0]>.) In combination with member t2 this can be used for setting an rotational orientation in the tangential plane.

vector t2( solid s )

Returns one tangential vector at the position of the marker on solid s that is orthogonal to t1, if the marker is attached to the solid. (Otherwise it returns a vector <[0,1,0]>.) In combination with member a1 this can be used for setting an rotational orientation in the tangential plane.

See also


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