Version 0.60.1


A curve in 2d or 3d.


Describes a curve, i.e. a one-dimensional line that may be defined either in 2d (in the x/y plane) or in 3d.

Curves are defined by linking curve segments through curve link operators '->'.


 curve triangle = <[1.0, 1.0]> -> <[2.0, 1.0]> -> <[1.5, 2.0]> -><-
 make extrusion( triangle, <[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]> )

Orientation directions can be added to segments using the curve orientation operator '^':


 curve p = <[0,0]>^<[0,0,-1]> -> arc( <[15,0]>, PI )^<[0,0,1]>

Casts To



vector front()

Returns the starting point of the curve, if this is defined. Otherwise it returns <[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]>.

vector back()

Returns the end point of the curve, if this is defined. Otherwise it returns <[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]>.

float length()

Returns the arc length of the curve.

selectbox min_bbox()

Returns the axis-aligned minimum bounding box of the curve.

vector pos( float s )

Returns the position on the curve at an natural parametrization value of s. This means, that the beginning of the curve is at an s value of 0.0 and the end of the curve at an an s value of curve.length().

Optional Open Parameter Attributes

bool readonly

Tells the user interface or frontend to disable the setting of the open parameter.

string style

Specifies some limited styling instructions for the user interface or frontend.

int expose_opar

Controls the visibility state of the open parameter. Possible values are -1 (do not expose), 0 (expose when requested) and +1 (expose).

See also


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