Version 0.60.1

Curve Orientation Operator

Adds an orientation to a curve segment or to a start point.


  •   elmt1 ^ orient


The operator allows to add an orientation direction to a curve starting point or to a curve segment that gets added to a curve. An orientation direction is a vector that defines the orientation at the terminal point of the segment (see oriented curves). The orientation along the segment is interpolated implicitly.

Orientations on curves can be used to control the behavior of certain functions like extrusion.

A two-segment-curve with given orientation directions (blue) at the vertex positions and interpolations along the line (light blue).


 curve c1 = <[0,0]>^<[0,0,1]> -> arc(<[1,0]>,PI)^<[0,1,0]>

Return value

An oriented curve segment.



Either a starting point of type vector or a segment constructor.


A vector that determines the orientation at a starting point elmt1 or at the terminal point of a segment constructor elmt1.

See also


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