Version 0.60.1


A two-dimensional surface patch.


  •   bezier_surf( vector ctrlpt[4][4] )
  •   min_surf( curve outline )


The 'sheet' data type defines a two-dimensional surface that can be utilized in multiple ways, particularly as a face of a solid. Sheets are not closed volumes; they are flat or curved surfaces with no thickness. Sheets can be combined to form the boundaries of a solid using functions like sheets_to_solid.

Sheets can be created by using different constructors such as bezier_surf for cubic Bézier surfaces or min_surf for minimal surfaces.


 curve c = <[1,0,0]> -> arc( <[0, 0, 0]>, PI, <[0,1]> )
 sheet s = min_surf( c -><- )

In the example above, a minimal surface sheet is created from a closed curve 'c'. This sheet 's' can then be used as a part of a solid or further manipulated within the CAD environment.

See also


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