Version 0.60.0


Applies a mesh smoothing operation on a solid.


  •   smoothing()
  •   smoothing( float strength, int iter )
  •   smoothing( float strength, int iter, bool quality )


The application of the smoothing modifier results in the execution of one or more steps of a mesh smoothing algorithm on the solid. The number of iterations can be set with the iter parameter.

The intensity of a single smoothing steps can be controlled with the strength parameter. This allows to switch smoothly between the usage of a Taubin smoothing algorithm [Taubin95] and a Laplacian smoothing. A Laplacian smoothing has a significantly higher smoothing intensity. On the other hand it suffers from shrinking, when used extensively.

The quality flag can be used to toggle between two priority modes: if set to true, the mesh surface quality is improved whereas the process speed is higher if quality is set to false.


 solid bunny = mesh( "bunny.stl" )
 for( int s = 0; s < 4; ++s )
   for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
     make translation( 0.16 * <[s,i]> ) >> smoothing( ((float) s)/3, pow(10,i) ) >> bunny

Transition between a pure Taubin smoothing (left column) and a pure Laplacian smoothing (right column) when applied for 1 (bottom row), 10 (middle row) and 100 (top row) iterations.

Casts To




G. Taubin: A Signal Processing Approach To Fair Surface Design, Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 95, 1995, pages 351–358



Controlls the strength of the smoothing. A value is expected to be inbetween 0 (pure Taubin smoothing [Taubin95], weak effect) and 1 (pure Laplacian smoothing, strong effect). Default value is 0.


Number of iterations the smoothing steps are applied. Default is 1.


If set to true, the mesh surface quality is enhanced for the cost of a slower processing. If set to false, the process is faster but has a tendency for developing uneven regions. Note that the strengths and shape of this effect is highly dependent on the initial mesh quality and on the other parameters.


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