Version 0.60.1


Applies visual smoothing


  •   vis_smooth()
  •   vis_smooth( float angle )


The vis_smooth modifier applies a visual edge smoothing to a solid. This is a visual effect that lets edges of a mesh appear smoothed out. In other modelling systems this concept is known as 'smoothing groups'.

When the first constructor is used, the visual smoothing is applied to all edges of the model. The second constructor has an effect depending on the value of its angle argument: if this is below zero, no edge of the mesh will be smoothed. If the angle is zero or larger, the edge smoothing is sensitive to the angle between triangles: if the angle between the normal vectors of two neighboring triangles is smaller or equal to the given argument, the edge between the two triangles will be smoothed. If, on the other hand, the normals have a larger angle than the given one, the edge will not be smoothed.


The document variable render_vis_smooth needs to be activated for the visual smoothing to take effect.


The underlying mesh is not altered by applying visual edge smoothing.


 document.render_vis_smooth = true
 make vis_smooth() >> mesh( "mymesh.stl" )

Casts To




Critical angle (in rad). If this is below zero, no edges will be smoothed. If this is zero or above zero, only those edges inbetween triangles with normal in an angle smaller than this parameter will be smoothed.

See also


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