Version 0.60.1


Manipulates two areas of one solid simultaneously.


  •   biselect_mod( solid s, selection sel1, modifier mod1, selection sel2, modifier mod2 )


The biselect_mod function allows to apply two independent modifiers onto two not overlapping selection areas sel1 and sel2 on a solid at the same time. The parts of the solid that are outside of the two selections are elastically interpolated and kinks that might occur on the selection boundaries are avoided.


 solid object = mesh( "myfiles/figure.stl" )
 selection s1 = selectbox( -11.0, 1.9, -3.0, 10.0, -5.0, 20.0 )
 selection s2 = selectsphere( 1.0, <[ 6.5, 1.7, 8.5 ]> )
 vector center = <[ 3.4, 2.3, 9.8 ]>
 vector axis = <[ 0.05, -0.98, 0.20 ]>
 make biselect_mod( object, s1, identity(), s2, rotation( center, axis, rad( 64.0 ) ) )

The left image shows two selections (green and red areas) that are applied onto a solid. The image on the right shows the result on rotating the red selection around the shown axis (big arrow). It can be seen how the part of the solid that are not covered by any of the selections is elastically adapted to follow the change.


The biselect_mod function is not in its final phase yet and one might still encounter certain unexpected behavior.

Return value

A solid that is the modified version of s.



The solid that gets modified.


The first selection. This can (but does not need to) contain parts of s.


A transformation modifier that is applied onto the solid area covered by sel1.


The second selection. This can (but does not need to) contain parts of s. It should not overlap with sel1.


A transformation modifier that is applied onto the solid area covered by sel2.

See also


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