Curves and Sketches
A common concept for solid constructions is the extrusion of a 2-dimensional sketch. This section describes how sketches are created in trCAD.
In general, the curve data type represents a 1-dimensional path in 2- or 3-dimensional space. A curve is always constructed from a start point followed by successive segments.
The most simple curve may be a straight line that starts at a point p1 and extends to another point p2. To build such a curve, the curve link operator '->' is used:
vector p1 = <[-3,2]>
vector p2 = <[5,7]>
curve c1 = p1 -> p2
p1 is here the start point while p2 represents the first (and only) curve segment.
In the same way the curve can be extended to a polygonal chain:
vector p3 = <[2,6]>
vector p4 = <[4,-1]>
curve c2 = p1 -> p2 -> p3 -> p4
The curve can be closed to form a polygon by either explicitly returning to the starting point or by using the curve closure operator '-><-':
curve c3 = p1 -> p2 -> p3 -> p4 -> p1
curve c4 = p1 -> p2 -> p3 -> p4 -><-
Non-linear curve segments
In the previous example, the curve link operator '->' was used to connect single points by straight lines. This was an implicit definition of line_to segements. Sometimes, other types of segment shapes are desired. This can be achieved by using one of the following curve segment constructors:
line_to | line_dir | arc |
arc_to | bezier |
curve c5 = <[3,0]> ->
arc( <[0,0]>, PI * 0.5 ) ->
line_dir( <[-2,0]> ) ->
line_dir( <[0,-3]> )
Oriented curves
Some constructions require an orientation direction at different points on the curve. One example is the construction of an oriented extrusion of a sketch. Such orientations can be viewed as direction vectors along the curve like shown in this image:
curve c6 = <[1,0]>^<[-1,0,0]> ->
line_dir( <[-2,0]> )^<[1,0,0]>
In the context of trCAD, a sketch is a set of one or more 2-dimensional closed curves. A sketch can be formed by "adding" or "subtracting" multiple curves:
curve c1 = <[8,0]> -> arc( <[0,0]>, 2PI )
curve c2 = <[4,3]> -> arc( <[3,3]>, 2PI )
curve c3 = <[-4,3]> -> arc( <[-3,3]>, 2PI )
curve c4 = <[5,-1.5]> -> arc_to( <[-5,-1.5]>, 5.5, false ) -> arc_to( <[5,-1.5]>, 5.2 )
sketch s = c1 - c2 - c3 - c4